07977 274043


What is your cancellation policy?

In order to be able to offer your appointment to someone else, sufficient notice is required.  Therefore If less than 48 hours notice is given the following fees will be payable:
£50 for cancelling a 60 minute appointment at short notice
£70 for cancelling a 90 minute appointment at short notice

Which days and hours do you practise?
Tuesday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm.

Where do you practise from?
In SW central Norwich, NR2, ten minutes walk from the city centre.

Is everything I say confidential?
Yes, confidentiality is an essential component of the process.  Anything you say within Zero Balancing or counselling sessions is confidential.  

Can I have Zero Balancing and Counselling in one session?
Yes you can.  We would normally do the counselling in the first half and the ZB in the second half of the session.  You would need to book a 90 minute session to do this.  See below for fees.

Do you do concessions?
There are a limited number of concessionary places available to people on a low income, eg FT students, unemployed, those in financial difficulty.  Please ask.

How long does a Zero Balancing session last?

The hands-on work usually lasts between thirty and forty minutes, but can vary depending upon your needs.  I allow 60 minutes for each session to allow for any necessary consultation beforehand.

How many sessions will I need and how regular?
This varies depending on the specific needs of each individual.  Most people start with three or four sessions spaced a week or so apart.  Then we review what effect it is having and decide on how to proceed.  Usually people soon begin to space sessions further apart, eventually going to about one session per month.

How much does a session cost?
£60-80 per 60 minute session.

What should I wear?
Sessions are received fully clothed, but without shoes.  Just wear something comfortable.  Jeans, trousers or skirts are fine. Avoid long, narrow dresses and blouses that are low cut at the front or back.  Also please make sure you are wearing a pair of clean socks.

Can I have Zero Balancing while receiving other treatments such as chiropractic or osteopathy?
In many cases ZB can compliment other modalities very well.  However, it is often advisable to receive Zero Balancing on it’s own to begin with, in order to be clearer about what is helping.  Please ask me about this. 

Is Zero Balancing suitable for children?
Yes, it can be very helpful for children.  Young children need shorter sessions and I charge accordingly.

What are your qualifications?
MTI Certificate in Holistic Massage; ZBAUK Certificate in Zero Balancing; Certificate in Teaching Zero Balancing; Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling.  I am a member of the Zero Balancing Association UK.